Payroll Management
To pay for worker(s) the premiums of insurances as required by the Foreign Worker Compensation Scheme (Insurance Order 1996), the Employee CompensationAct 1952, the SPIKPA(Skim Perlindungan Insurans Kesihatan Pekerja Asing) by the Ministry of Health Malaysia and other insurance coverage related to the worker(s).
Assist in the registration of workers with FOMEMA; pay for the cost of FOMEMA check-up and arrange to transport the worker(s) for FOMEMA check-up.
Be responsible for the general medical cost of a worker (such general medical cost shall exclude the cost for dental, optical,specialist care, long term medical treatment and/or cosmetic/plastic surgical expenses) up to the limit of RM200.00 per worker per annum at the appointed panel clinics.
PayAdvance Salary to worker(s) once a month.
Pay salary to the worker(s) in accordance to the Demand Letter which being mutually agreed by both parties.
Be fully responsible for any worker(s)’s death in the course of his/her employment including the cost of repatriation to arrange the body of the deceased worker.